Monday, November 11, 2013

Improving Teamwork Effectiveness

Teamwork effectiveness can be improved by implementing three methods:
  • Define the goals and purpose
  • Capitalize on the strengths of individuals
  • Reward the success of the group

Define the Goals and Purpose
The first step is defining the team's goals and purpose.  It is important to be very specific about what the purpose of the team is.  If everyone knows and is committed to the purpose, it will create an environment of cooperation.  Individual goals and purpose should also be defined.  If you connect individual goals to the success of the group you will eliminate negative competition in the group (Bakken, 2007).

Capitalize on the Strengths of Individuals
Teams can be successful because they combine the strengths of multiple individuals.  Every member of the group has a unique perspective and skill set; it is vital to create an environment where every individual can be heard and contribute.  By capitalizing on the strengths of individuals you will take advantage of all that teamwork has to offer.

Reward the Success of the Group
Acknowledging and rewarding the team's success can do wonders to keep the group motivated.  Whenever the group makes a significant step toward its goals, even if it’s a small step, it should be acknowledgedThis will help the group work harder and stay focused on their purpose (Davis, 2012).


Bakken, E. (2007). Twelve Ways to Build an Effective Team. Retrieved from

Davis, N. (March 15, 2012). Improving Teamwork in the Workplace. Retrieved from